Custom Plains Biome

Let me share with you a new personalized survival map called Custom Plains Biome! Where you can see epic mountains and vast grasslands around your Minecraft world

Cre: PhUnknown7

Custom Plains Biome

A big custom terrain map with size 2000×2000 blocks. There are beautiful beaches and forests to play in multiplayer or by yourself. With this map, you can create medieval cities or whatever your imagination allows you!!!

master maps for minecraft

Go around Custom Plains Biome, you can find thousands of things like custom forests, amazing mountains in the next update are waiting for you to explore

At the spawn point, you will find a beautiful medieval house where you can survive in Minecraft

It’s also fully decorated by interior

master maps for minecraft


  • This map is compatible with Minecraft BE / PE 1.16.1 and later versions.
  • If you share the map on any social network, please leave the original download link, don’t use other direct links, it would help me a lot.


– Modified the Download Link
– Added more survival items to the main house
– Bees can now be found more frequently


Custom Plains Biome,custom terrain

Download map

👉 If you like this custom terrain map, you can also check our Lance Ville v2.0 Minecraft Map, Enlight Shader for MCPE

master maps for minecraft

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