Climax Shaders – Climax Graphics [Deferred Rendering] | Minecraft Shaders Bedrock/PE

Climax Graphics (formerly Climax Shaders) makes use of Minecraft Bedrock’s new deferred lighting system. It adds shadows, beautiful atmospherics, depth to blocks, and makes hostile mobs’ eyes glow in the darkness. More content will be added as the Deferred Technical Preview is updated.

This pack is still in development. More content will be added in future updates.

Creator: HonKit26113

Climax Shaders Deferred Rendering

Lighting & Atmospherics

Climax Shaders
Sunrise at around 6:00 am in-game time.

Glowing Mobs

The goal of the pack is to add glowing eyes to all hostile mobs. However, as this pack is still a work in progress, they have been added to some mobs only.

Climax Shaders

Creepers & Spiders with glowing eyes. Charged Creepers also have a glowing charge effect.

Climax Shaders

A Skeleton, Husk, Zombie & an Angry Wolf with glowing eyes.

Climax Shaders

Guardians, Elder Guardians and Drowned can be seen with glowing eyes at the Ocean Monument.

Climax Shaders

Endermen and the Ender Dragon!

Minecraft Shaders


Device Requirements

Climax Shaders Device Requirements

You also need to be on Minecraft Preview or above, and be playing on Android, iOS, Windows 10/11, or Xbox.


Please keep in mind that both this pack & the Deferred Technical Preview are still very early in development, and can be unstable.

MCPE Download

Download Climax Shaders – Climax Graphics v0.6

**Deferred rendering is only available in the Preview. This is Mojang’s decision and I can’t do anything to change this.**

Supported Minecraft versions

Prizma PBR Deferred Pack

Minecraft Shaders

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