Super Mansion [Redstone] Maps

A modern and smart house with a lot of redstone creations. You can see in the entrance, it requires a secret passcode to enter the house or several hidden storage rooms. Basically, if you want to use for something in this mansion, it will require some type of readstone mechanism to enable and access on it

Cre: SswizZGaymer

How does it work?

You will be spawned on top of a large mountain, it’s not far from the mansion. From the position spawn, you could be able to see a village, past it and you will reach the mansion.

At the entrance, there is a chest on the left. Your task is to take the notes from the chest, then drop 2 notes at the right corner of the entrance to open the iron doors.

Most of the things inside are quite easy to understand. Even if you don’t understand, there have sign explanations.

The bottom floor of the mansion, it has one large living room consist of couches, a table, and a fireplace. At the fireplace, press the button on the left side to be able to enter a storage room.

There are multiple rooms on the second floor such as a bunch of automatic armor wardrobes, you can access it by the normal door or hidden passages.

Here you be able to access the Nether through the mouth of a Creeper

A large bed and a flat screen TV in the master bedroom

Keep all your animals safe in a secret stable

Downloads Super Mansion

👉 If you like our Super Mansion [Redstone], you can also check our RS Smart Modern House created by M7MoGameR; Abandoned Military Base created by DSL3125

master maps for minecraft

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