Old Lucky Bags Addon (1.20)

Old Lucky Bags Addon (1.20) contains five main items, and each of them is included in a different bag tier.

Creator: Old Steve Addons

Old Lucky Bags Addon (1.20) contains five main items, and each of them is included in a different bag tier. The addon also includes items from other addons that are expected to be published soon, such as The Warden’s Horn, The Diamond Boomerang, The Magic Staffs, and The Diamond Nuggets.

Common Bag:

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Old Lucky Bags Addon

Uncommon bag:

Old Lucky Bags Addon

Rare bag:

Old Lucky Bags Addon

Epic bag:

Old Lucky Bags Addon
master maps for minecraft


Legendary bag:

Old Lucky Bags Addon

Old Lucky Bags Addon

Download Old-Lucky-Bags-Addon-MCPE-1.20.mcaddon here.

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