Camouflage Skin Pack is awesome skins for people who want to trick and troll other players to Minecraft? It includes over 65 skins, so it will help you easily camouflaged with your surroundings.
Cre: Pavilion
Camouflage Skin Pack 1.16
That’s great when this skin pack is up to date with the newest 1.16 textures. You can see your old skin packs don’t blend as well as they used to, because there are many textures of blocks that have been updated
All these skin in this pack will help you blend in the best way with your surroundings
Here is some of skin on camouflage skin pack
Added: – More nether-related skins have been added in the 1.16 update. – More skins that weren’t in previous versions. |

👉 If you like Camouflage Skin Pack, you can also check our Camouflage Doors created by RealMrLava; Geckie the Gecko created by Geckie the Gecko
i don’t like mediafire at ALL as it’s super hard to navigate so tbh this isn’t worth it :/