I meaaan…who doesn’t absolutely LOVE dinos?!…well this skin packs contains 14 different dinosaur skins, in all colors of the rainbow so you can use them with your friends to have matching skins!!
Creator: ThreadyPilot (Instgram)
Dinos! by ThreadyPilot
This skin pack will allow you to choose between 14 different skins, (7 girls and 7 boys)
First we have…

Also the black and white, the red, the orange and the yellow one!
If you like for some color to be added, or anything you can write it in the comment section!
1.Click the download link.
2.Once you are in Linkvertise, click “Free acces with ads”
3.Wait 5 seconds.
4.Pres the “X” after the 5 seconds.
5.Click in “Free acces”
6.Once you are on Mediafire click the big blue download button.
7.Enjoy 😉
Some Skin pack Minecraft PE you can check more in Mcpeaddons.com: