Compliance 32x | Texture Minecraft PE

Minecraft textures with two resolutions. Compliance 32x is a 32x resource pack for Minecraft Bedrock, Java, and Dungeons that aims to deliver higher-resolution textures while remaining loyal to the vanilla Minecraft textures.

Cre: Compliance (Twitter)

Compliance 32x

Compliance 32x is a 32x resource pack in the Jappa style that aims to deliver higher-resolution textures while remaining loyal to the original Minecraft textures. The majority of our artists have a lot of experience creating 32x Jappa-styled textures and have worked on a lot of other packs you’ve probably heard of.

Minecraft Addons Maker (MAM)

Compliance is a community-driven resource pack group, which means that anyone can contribute (although it is also community decided, so people vote on your textures). You are more than welcome to add to the pack by creating an add-on. You can also have your add-on recognized by submitting it to the Compliance Extras Discord server for inclusion on our site.


Main Discord:

Extras Discord:


Some screenshot from Mcpe addons for this texture:

Compliance 32 texuture
Compliance 32x
Minecraft Addons Maker (MAM)

Some texture pack Minecraft PE you maybe like in

Two resolutions of Minecraft textures. Compliance 32x is a 32x resource pack for Minecraft Bedrock, Java, and Dungeons that promises to give higher-resolution textures while keeping the vanilla Minecraft textures in tact.

Compliance 32x is a Jappa-style 32x resource pack that seeks to provide higher-resolution textures while remaining true to the original Minecraft textures. The bulk of our artists have extensive expertise generating 32x Jappa-styled textures and have contributed to a number of other well-known packs.

Compliance is a community-driven resource pack group, so anyone can participate (although it is also community decided, so people vote on your textures). You are welcome to contribute to the pack by developing an add-on. You may also submit your add-on for inclusion on our site by submitting it to the Compliance Extras Discord server.

mcpeaddons download

Download Compliance 32 texture pack (Bedrock Beta)

Minecraft Addons Maker (MAM)

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